Do you have a well planned, thoughtful offer? Do you think how to present it on the Web? Based on our experience in web applications and booking systems we've written a short article which will help your offer stand out from the crowd.
1. Uniqueness
Copying prohibition is the first, most important rule to follow. Even if such a solution appears to be good in the short term, you won't benefit from it because you won't stand out from the crowd in the long term. Try to be unique while creating the design, preparing information and so on. Show your potential users why your company differs from others. Sometimes it only takes a good reason why you do what you do - travel companies are often established by real travel enthusiasts - if you can show this passion for travelling there's a good chance that you will enthuse your clients with it.
2. Images and movies.
People buy tourism products based mainly on emotions. Use quality images and (if you can) movies to present your offer. If you don't have any, use Istock or try to find amateur photographers who would be keen to sell their photos from a given region. Still, I would kindly suggest you to invest in a photographer and a cameraman on events (GoPro camera would be enough). These persons can provide you with great stuff in exchange for participating in a trip. I recommend visiting SnowShow and Taksidi websites to see how different real event images look. Additionally, you can make use of gathered stuff and create a sneak peak of the upcoming season - it's a great idea for viral marketing.
3. Language
It may sound obvious but unfortunately it's not so popular in use. Think about your target groups and adapt your language to their needs and demands. Your communication will be completely different whether your target is high school students or young parents.
4. Don't lie :)
I was always taught that a lie has no legs. Those legs may appear a little bit in tourism but they may also kick very hard. If you embed images of the best room in a hotel saying that every room looks like it you may be able to attract a lot of clients for the current season but user reviews after the event may make you go alone next year.
5. Client reviews
Obvious matter but it's worth mentioning. Show user reviews. If you want to make your business more reliable use Facebook and TripAdvisor reviews. This way potential users can form their own opinion based on references from your event participants. Don't delete uncomfortable reviews (as long as they are decent and not offensive). Instead, try to discuss these issues. Show your potential clients that user reviews are important to you and you try to do everything you can to satisfy your clients.
6. Weather
Little thing that brings big smiles. Show your potential clients weather forecasts for the events. Among many popular websites there are also specialised ones e.g WindGuru or ICM which offer very accurate forecasts including wind and precipitation. Additionally, there are websites which specialise in weather statistics where you can see e.g. mean temperature on a given day (WunderGround) based on previous years.
7. Attractions
Show your clients that you know event destinations very well. Suggest the most interesting places to visit, restaurants, pubs, clubs and cafes. Everything depends on your target group but believe me - it will be a lot better for you when a potential client gets all interesting information without leaving your website.
8. Booking simplicity
If you already have an ideal offer, focus more on the simplicity of the booking process - both for individuals and groups. If you don't want to dedicate a lot of time, effort and money to make your own tool, we invite you to use Magello. It's an intuitive system created for offer management with user-friendly booking module for your clients.
In conclusion, be natural and real when creating the presentation of your offer. Show why it is worth to travel with you and be absolutely sure about it. Take care of the satisfaction of your current and potential clients - they can be your great marketing potential!