There are many travel companies with very interesting events in their offer but only few of them present these events so appealing as to attract attention of a bigger audience.
We have come to a few meaningful conclusions based on our experience in tourism. We believe that they may be useful for you during the creation and promotion of your offer.
1. Adjust additional options to your target groups
Think really well about your potential clients and their needs. If you have events for 35+ people think about e.g. their convenience - providing care for their children during events may boost your sales. Organising additional transport options is a similar solution. Even if you don't intend to provide flight bookings, try to show your clients you really care. Take the equipment from the departure country or collect your clients from the destination airport.
2. Create discounts for your patrons and early bookings.
Remember about your patrons and those who book events very early while creating your pricing policy. These clients should have access to special offers. Those clients very often somehow associate with your business and promote your events among their friends. It's clear that there is no better form of promotion than happy clients. Better cash-flow and certainty of early bookings for events can be your compensation for a lower price. It is worth mentioning that there is no better way of scaring groups off as seeing 0 in the "signed up" field.
3. Remember about your clients after the season.
Forgetting about your clients after the season is one of the repetitive mistakes that travel companies make. I know that not every company makes all-year-round events but nothing stops you from posting on Facebook. Additionally, you can mail your clients e.g. that now is the best time to buy cheaper equipment for the upcoming season. Not only will these actions position you very well in clients thoughts but also stabilise your image as a specialist in the field. Additionally, you will be viewed as a company which cares about something more than money and financial statements. People want to buy products and services from other people who are passionate about what they're doing. Creating an after-event video may be a great idea for a teaser of the upcoming season. Active leisure time is a subject to great emotions and lots od content to use in such a teaser video. I recommend that you see SnowShow's season teasers - they are absolutely amazing).
4. Group bookings.
Many people travel in groups (family, friends). Think about them when you prepare your offer. Try to simplify the booking process and event organisation (e.g accommodation, transport). One of the obvious solutions is group discounts. Another, more unconventional way is to delegate a person to take care of 6+ groups in order to make their trip more convenient. This way, they won't think twice again which company they should choose for their next trip.
5. The internet
Internet connection is quite a big problem to solve during international events. It is easier for you as a company to provide a few HotSpots and prepaid cards to a given country. It is a small thing but extremely important to young people these days. Remember that people use social media to share their experience and emotions. As a result, they may be your strong promotion channel as long as they can use the Web.
6. Intuitive and responsive website.
I will write a mini-guide on this subject, but it is worth mentioning on various occasions. Care about your online image! A clear, responsive website is an extremely important thing ignored by too many companies. Such a website should provide users with all essential information, user reviews, way of contacting you and above all it has to have an online booking system.
I hope that this advice will help you to adapt your offer considerably and you will be able to attract more satisfied, loyal clients.
Good luck!